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Wherever human consciousness is colliding, is real life - Dave Cairns

A lot of people say IRL ‘In Real Life’ my personal belief is that wherever human consciousness is colliding, is real life. - Dave Cairns

I actually believe it's more appropriate to say ‘in person’ than it is to say ‘IRL’ - Dave Cairns

I try to be a little bit more intentional with the way I communicate these things now that I've actually spent so much time doing this inside of a virtual world. - Dave Cairns

Nothing beats being in person, occupying the same physical space, together.

That said, the various flavors of digital are challenging the definitions of words like 'together,' 'in real life,' etc.

Need some new vocabulary words. I like digital, AR for augmented reality (not artificial), distributed. How do you describe digital?

Full-Length Interview
Dave Cairns: Digital, Augmented, Inspired, Connection | Turn the Lens podcast with Jeff Frick
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