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We are grateful to the people that helped us

We get to go to work at our dream jobs and feel like we're doing what we were put on this earth to do. It sounds very corny, but it's true. - Chris Bruntlett

Find what it is that you're most passionate about, and is something that you think you will be willing to fight for, for a really long time. - Melissa Bruntlett

The other thing I would emphasize is patience, passion, and positivity, and when you combine those three elements, then sometimes it takes a little bit of luck being in the right place at the right time. We are, I think, more than ever grateful to the people that helped us get this way. - Chris Bruntlett

More than plausible.

Putting in years of hard work, Melissa and Chris created the world they envisioned.
Packed up the family, moved to the Netherlands
Wrote two books, and are now leaders in the very positive movement to transform urban environments, making them more human centric, sharing best practices, and 'living the life we were put on this earth to do'

It's a great story.
And you can do it too!

Their books
Curbing Traffic: The Human Case for Fewer Cars in our Lives, Chris Bruntlett and Melissa Bruntlett, Island Press, 2021 -

Building the Cycling City: The Dutch Blueprint For Urban Vitality, Chris Bruntlett and Melissa Bruntlett, Island Press, 2018 -

Full length conversation
Chris Bruntlett & Melissa Bruntlett: Fewer Cars, Better Living | Turn the Lens podcast with Jeff Frick
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